
The Magic of the Night

Nightscapes and Night Owls

After dawn, when the daylight disappears and the dark captures the sky, a special time begins. While in one place peace and quiet returns, in another places a bustling hustle arise. Night owls populate the streets and colorful light sources conjure up luminous patterns into the urban landscape.

Nightscape Monacensia, oil painting, Andrea Steinbauer Nightscape Isamninger str., oil painting, Andrea Seinbauer
"Nights at Monacensia" - Oil on linen panel,
"Nights at Ismaninger Str." - Oil on canvas panel, 40x50cm
Nightscape National Museum, oil painting, by Andrea Steinbauer
Nightscape Villa Stuck, oil painting, Andrea Steinbauer
"Nights at Villa Stuck" - Oil on canvas panel,
"Nights at the Natioal Museum" - Oil on canvas panel,40x50cm
Portrait Sophia, oil painting, Andrea Steinbauer
Smile for the Bride, oil painting, Andy Steinbauer
"Tivoli at Night" - Oil on canvas panel,
"Nights at the Biergarden" - Oil on panel,
Saturesday Night, oil painting, Andrea Steinbauer
Amore Mio, oil painting, Andrea Steinbauer
"Amore Mio" - Oil on linen panel,
"Satureday Night" - Oil on linen panel,
Carpe Noctem, oil painting, Andy Steinbauer
"Carpe Noctem" - Oil on linen panel,
Twilight, oil on canvas, Andy Steinbauer 2021 Landscape painting, oil, Andrea Steinbauer
"The English Garden while Twilight" - Oil on canvas panel, 40x30cm
"Rest at the Creek" - Pastel on paper,

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(c) Andy Steinbauer


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